Entrepreneurial Coaching



Entrepreneurial Coaching:

Innovators dream; entrepreneurs turn dreams into reality. The CEO of the Gallup Organization Jim Clifton along with Dr. Sangeeta Badal use their book Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder to explain that we have a great deal of innovation in the world but are in great need of talented entrepreneurs who know how to make use of those innovations. Talented entrepreneurs are great at turning an idea into a customer. This ability allows them to create jobs for themselves and others. It’s absolutely imperative that talented entrepreneurs are identified and developed to their absolute maximum potential to drive economic growth globally. Take a step into a better future, a future where you understand, strengthen, and leverage your talents turning them into dominant entrepreneurial strengths.

This package includes the following sessions with a 30% discount:

Strengths Foundations | Strengths Dynamics | Strengths Intervention | Strengths Development | Entrepreneurial Strengths

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